WIN partners (Business consultation and training company) is rated 3 out of 5 in the category education management. Read and write reviews about WIN partners (Business consultation and training company). WIN partners is business consultation and training company with enormous success starting operations in Latvian market in 2008 and now being the most acknowledged, innovative and energized partner for Latvian companies and individuals. We offer consultations focusing on each particular business situation - for results and real achievement of goals. Main areas of our competences are: • Management skills development and training • Sales skills and motivation, sales management • Excellent service training and service management • Business consultations - business development, employee development and profit maximizing • Employee appraisals • Individual growth for best achievements in life WIN partners is re-branded company previously known as Vain & Partners
Kr. Valdemāra iela 57/59-23,
Company size
11-50 employees